About me

I am a Associate Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Fuzhou University (FZU), Fuzhou, China. Before joining FZU, I obtained a Ph.D. in robotic perception and planning from TAMS, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Germany. My PhD supervisor is Prof. Jianwei Zhang. Prior to this, I spent time as a Research Assistant in Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences. I hold a B.Sc. in Mechatronics from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) and M.Sc. in Mechatronics from Shaoyang University,China.

Research Summary

My research work involves the fields of Robotics and Machine Learning, with particular emphasis on robotic perception, learning and control. Based on that, we are interesting in design bioinspired soft continuum robotic technologies and their applications to clinical treatment and rehabilitation.


I am currently responsible for teaching one course in Fuzhou University: “Roboitc Perception and Learning” for graduate students, which are closely related to my research fields. We focus on studying how a robot can percept the environment and make decisions for task implementation. Therefore, the course is divided into two main themes (i) robotic perception and (ii) Learning to Decision where in each theme we will study traditional approaches, learning-based methods and combinations of those.